These days, everyone knows the importance of backing up important data on their computers. But what about your drive-thru lane? Do you have a backup in case your high-tech headset system goes down?
As a precaution, smart drive-thru operators invest in a cabled intercom system. While this may sound as antiquated as using a fax machine, this often-overlooked drive-thru part can provide dependable, cost-effective communications should your main system go down.
Today’s newer cabled intercom systems offer many benefits, including:
- Low cost of purchase
- Reliable customer-to crewmember (as well as in-store) communications
- Alert tones and vehicle detect lights
- Smooth-surface keypads for ease of use
- Day/night switches that can change volume during different dayparts
So why take a chance? A small investment in this important backup drive-thru part could mean the difference between shutting down your drive-thru or continuing to keep cars moving through the lane.
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