I own and operate several fast food restaurants, and I know the importance of keeping my drive-thru parts and equipment in good operating condition. I also know that doing so requires ongoing maintenance and repairs. I always buy top quality equipment, but even the best wears down over time, and needs to be fixed. So over the years, I’ve sent in a lot of drive-thru parts for repair or replacement.
The one piece of equipment I never expected to have trouble with was the battery charger for my ION IQ headsets. After all, with no moving parts there’s not much that can go wrong. But sure enough, when I least expected it, my battery charger stopped working.
Fortunately, I knew where to go to get it fixed – CE. They’ve been taking care of my drive-thru parts and equipment for years. In fact, I even have a maintenance agreement with them so that when I send a part in, the repair is already paid for as part of the monthly fee.
As usual, CE repaired my battery charger (turns out an internal wire had come loose) and got it back to me in a hurry. That was months ago, and I haven’t had a problem since. That’s the one thing with CE, not only do they fix it fast, they fix it right the first time. Give them a try and you’ll see what I mean.
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